Aiglon – Villars

Aiglon – Villars Campus

Location: Villars


Aiglon is located in the village of Villars sur Ollon. The campus consists of several houses.

Each house has its own distinctive personality – but whichever house is yours, you will quickly become part of a warm and friendly family.

The House system is a hallmark of a British-style education. At Aiglon there are nine Houses in total: four for girls and five for boys (all Houses are single-sex), with seven in the Senior School and two in the Junior School. Most houses are home to around 50 students (up to 30 in the Junior School) and will have a particular personality – often influenced by its Houseparent, and bolstered by the House’s own distinctive traditions and identity.

Within each House, students occupy a study bedroom shared with no more than three others (the oldest students are in single or double rooms), and there are common rooms, a dining room, and other communal spaces, such as a kitchen and a games room. Houseparents live on-site; assisting them are Deputy Houseparents and the tutors who are assigned to each student. Students also play a strong role in looking out for their peers, and each House’s captains and prefects take a lead role in daily house life.

The unique mountain top position provides a fresh perspective while offering the opportunity for challenge. Mountains have always represented ambition to humanity, a call to push harder, higher than we could have imagined possible. Aiglon students and faculty only have to look out of the window to be inspired.

This spirit of expedition is also profoundly connected to the Aiglon lifestyle – ensuring that students, as future custodians of the planet, develop a unique expertise from the moment they are entrusted into care. Climbing mountains together encourages  students to take each bold new step in life with the confidence that comes from knowing that their spirit has been bolstered to thrive in this changing world.