Franklin University Switzerland


Franklin University Switzerland is a nonprofit, private, independent liberal arts university located in Lugano. Founded in 1969, Franklin is one of the oldest American institutions of higher education in Europe and the first to be established in Switzerland. Franklin offers undergraduate and graduate degrees accredited in both the United States and Switzerland.

Franklin University Switzerland is a school where nationalities and cultural perspectives meet and create unique experiences. It is a learning method that incorporates travel and interdisciplinary study  into the core of the curriculum.

You will take an Academic Travel course every semester, seeing places you have studied with your own eyes. You will attend class with international faculty and students from over 60 countries. You will have the opportunity to travel independently and to do internships internationally. You will do research and will develop a critical perspective. You will graduate with a degree that is accredited in both the United States and Switzerland. You will have learned the art of adapting to any situation on the fly. You will be a world traveler. You will have everything you need to be successful.

Come with us to Greece, Malawi, France, Japan, Scotland, Iceland, Korea, Botswana, Italy, or India; and above all come to study in Switzerland, a true crossroads of languages and cultures in the heart of Europe, and one of the safest countries in the world. Take advantage of the opportunity to get an education like no other.

General Information

  • Bachelor
  • Master
  • MBA
  • Foundation Year
  • Swiss Accreditation Counc
  • MSCHE - Middle States Commission on Higher Education
  • Association of American International Colleges and Universities (AAICU)
  • Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International)
  • AMICAL Consortium
  • The Council of Independent Colleges (CIC)
  • The Global Liberal Arts Alliance (GLAA)
  • Swiss Academic Society for Environmental Research and Ecology (SAGUF)
  • 26th in the top 100 of the World’s Universities with Real Impact (WURI) Ranking 2023
  • Ranked as one of the Top 10 Universities supporting ethical values and social responsibility.
Partner Universities
  • CCIS Institutions
  • Chapman University
  • College of Charleston
  • Dar Al-Hekma College
  • Emerson College
  • George Mason University
  • Hallym University Korea
  • Lasell College
  • Lycoming College
  • Richmond University
  • Sophia University Japan
  • Southern Methodist University
  • St. Edwards University
  • Trisakti University
  • University of Southern California
Industry Parnerships
  • Kalaidos Fachhochschule Gesundheit
  • RECEPTIO, Research Centre for European Philological Tradition
  • University of Texas of Dallas
  • United Nations Institute for Training and Research
  • aSSIST, Seoul School of Integrated Sciences and Technologies
  • PASS Academy

Facts & Figures

Year of Foundation
Number of Alumni
Number of Students
Number of Nationalities
Canada, Mexico, USA, Europe
Top 5 Nationalities
1 : 9
Ratio Staff Per Student
1 or 2
Students Per Room

Higher Education Programs

Bachelor of Art in Art History and Visual Culture Major
Art History and Visual Culture courses investigate the production of art, architecture, and film through the technical, social, economic, cultural, psychological, and epistemological forces at work when they were produced and viewed.
Bachelor of Art in Communication and Media Studies Major
Communication and media are central features of our lives. From navigating relationships, to crafting professions, to engaging in local and global issues, we are always using communication and media.
Bachelor of Art in Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies Major
The Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies (CLCS) major at Franklin focuses on cultural phenomena and processes as they unfold under the pressure of historical, social and economic forces.
Bachelor of Art in Environmental Studies Major
Local and global societies face an array of environmental problems, from biodiversity loss to various types of pollution. To tackle these problems, future leaders need to understand the science behind the issues as well as the societal context.
Bachelor of Art in Fashion Studies Major
In the Fashion Studies major, courses study the history of design and image making, the sociological and communicative processes of the making of fashion, the role of technological innovation, as well as theories of product mgt, branding, and marketing.
Bachelor of Art in History Major
A History degree gives you a deeper and more profound understanding of the forces that shaped and continue to shape the world we live in. By focusing on change in the past, the History program enables you to better comprehend current and future events.
Bachelor of Art in International Economics Major
The International Economics degree program equips students with the skills necessary to succeed in the international world of business and economics, while emphasizing the skills to develop orderly and critical thinking.
Bachelor of Art in International Management Major
The International Management degree program prepares Franklin graduates for international business and public sector careers in organizations ranging from family businesses to multinational corporations and from government admin to non-profit foundations.
Bachelor of Art in Literature Major
The major in Literature is perfectly suited for students who love to read, analyze and create texts. Students will encounter canonical literature, including poems, plays and novels, films, oral storytelling, song, journalism, comics, digital media, etc.
Bachelor of Art in Political Science Major
From Aristotle and Plato, to Machiavelli and Aquinas, to modern analysts and states-men, political scientists have been concerned with issues of power, governance, public policy, social behavior and interactions among nation-states, among many others.
Bachelor of Art in Psychology Major
Psychology is the science of human emotion, thought and behavior, including neural, physiological and cognitive processes; developmental factors and individual differences; and interpersonal, international, and cross-cultural components.
Bachelor of Art in Visual Communication Arts Major
The Visual Communication Arts degree programs offer an interdisciplinary course of study, encompassing the fine arts, graphic design, illustration, and photography, as well as courses from Communication and Media Studies, Comparative Literary and Cultural
Master of Science in International Management
It is a one-year graduate program that equips you with a rigorous education in business. By taking a transdisciplinary approach rooted in the liberal arts tradition of Franklin University Switzerland, the program provides you with a managerial skill set.


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