Wall Street School


With the Wall Street English method, learning English is within everyone’s reach. Whatever your level of English is, you can find the course that suits you in order to progress quickly. In small groups or with a private teacher, in a specialised centre or at a distance, the English courses delivered give oral communication a central place, allowing progress to be visible in a few weeks. Whether you are aiming for a language certification or an improvement in your personal or professional level, you will have the opportunity to progress in English both in writing and orally.

Developing a language skill starts with gaining confidence when speaking. To achieve this, Wall Street English schools promote a unique method based on the way native speakers learn to speak English. The emphasis is on listening and repetition, then training to express yourself in English on a regular basis. The English courses offered are composed of 65% oral practice and 35% theoretical lessons to improve your grammar and vocabulary in English.

All the teachers giving classes have English as mother-tongue. Lessons are followed in small groups, less than 5 people, with students of the same level level to facilitate speaking and conversation. To perfect this method, it is recommended to practice English regularly. Wall Street English courses have a success rate of 97% .

General Information

  • Certificate
  • AVDEP - Vaud association of Private Schools
  • EduQua - Swiss Quality Label for providers of adult learning programmers
  • FIDE
  • Swiss Federation of Private Schools
  • Private Schools Switzerland
  • AVDEP (Vaud association of Private Schools)
  • CVCI – Vaud Chamber of Commerce
  • International Link by CVCO
  • CCIF – Fribourg Chamber of Commerce
  • CCIG – Geneva Chamber of Commerce

Facts & Figures

Year of Foundation
Number of Students
China, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Portugal, Brazil
Top 5 Nationalities
Number of Nationalities

Language Programs

Wall Street School
Enjoy the most modern method to learn English effectively in Switzerland with Wall Street English courses in Geneva, Lausanne, Fribourg, Montreux, Neuchâtel, Biel, La Chaux-de-Fonds and Lugano.


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