College du Leman – Genève

College du Leman – Genève Campus

Location: Versoix (Geneva)


Tucked away between the Jura Mountains and Lac Léman, the campus stretches out over eight hectares on the outskirts of Geneva.

Students are within easy reach of both the city and the mountains, and have the freedom to study, make new friends and discover new interests.

The facilities are improving all the time, adding new technologies and creating a more pleasant environment for students. The 5,000 square metre state-of-the-art Olympus Gymnasium opened last year, providing the school with a modern multi-purpose building for sport and culture.

The campus features light and modern classrooms in which students can learn, working in groups and individually using the latest technology.

It offers recreational areas that allow children the space to play outside, while re-creating the campus feel of a modern university.

Students relax and sleep in attractive residential villas, which accommodate up to 250 students. Your child will share a room with between one and three other students, and boarding students are encouraged to decorate their rooms to suit their tastes. Meals are served in the shared dining facilities.

While the campus has the feel of a safe and sheltered community, it is just nine kilometres from the city of Geneva, and provides students with an opportunities to explore the country and the communities around them.