Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz


The Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz, founded in 1904, is a Swiss international boarding school set in spectacular alpine landscape near St. Moritz, Switzerland. The Lyceum campus occupies an extensive site with its own sports fields overlooking the alpine village of Zuoz. School philosophy is founded on respect for tradition combined with innovativeness.

The values are: tolerance, mutual respect, fair play, commitment and life-long learning. Respectability and orderliness in everyday life, respect and helpfulness towards others coupled with an open-minded attitude: these are the guiding principles of an education at the Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz, and they equip ambitious and enthusiastic young people with the qualities they need for life.

General Information

  • German Abitur
  • International Baccalaureate Career-Related Programme (IBCP)
  • International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP)
  • Swiss Matura
  • BSA - Boarding Schools Association
  • CIS - Council of International Schools
  • IB World Schools

Facts & Figures

Year of Foundation
Number of Students
Number of Nationalities
Swiss, German, Chinese, Russian and Italian
Top 5 Nationalities
1 to 4
Ratio Staff Per Student
Students Per Room

Boarding School Program

Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz
The Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz, founded in 1904, is a Swiss international boarding school set in spectacular alpine landscape near St. Moritz.

Holiday Camp Programs

Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz - Junior Day Camp
The Junior Day Camp is tailored for children from 6–9 years of age who would like to learn English in the morning and join an action-packed programme in the afternoon. The programme runs from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 16:00.
Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz-Summer Camp
The Summer Camp offers a combination of language and sports, language and golf, language and football, language and film acting or language and digital skills.


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