Villars Palace Academy


This fantastic & innovative project The Villars Palace Academy, Switzerland was born from the educational vision of the owner and former General Director of Collège Beau Soleil in Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland, Mr. Jérôme de Meyer, combined with the innovative vocational programme of the Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL – N°1 Hotel Management School in the world).

The Villars Palace Academy – Hospitality & Leadership School – is in the heart of the Swiss Alps, within the brand-new Villars Alpine Resort, co-founded and owned by Jérôme de Meyer and his associate, Marco Dunand. This first Edu-Resort ever to be designed in Switzerland, among other services, offers three hotels (Villars PalaceVictoria Hotel & Residence and Mountain Lodge) with a tradition in hospitality and a learning platform fully accredited by EHL. This exclusive partnership combines the VET by EHL programme and a unique content shaped by the team of Villars Palace Academy to train the future successful leaders in hotel administration.

Indeed, this two-year Vocational Education & Training (VET by EHL) programme has been created by the Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne to shape the future of hospitality with external organisations and to develop a global network of excellence. The “fast-track” Hospitality & Leadership programme will start in July 2022 and will be taught by professionals in their field with the hotels’ staff members of the resort. Starting sessions for the full and Gap Year programmes are in February and August each year.

This unique experience for students aged above 17 years old combines ongoing theory and practice – Front Office, Food & Beverage, Housekeeping, Marketing & Sales, Events’ management, Finances, Human Resources and more. In addition, to broaden their learning process into an exhaustive lifetime experience, students will also benefit from the VPA’s DNA with a unique approach to Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Creativity, Culture and Sustainability; main pillars of the “Soft Skills” training and essential elements for today and tomorrow’s challenges.

At the end of the two years programme, students will be awarded a Professional Diploma in Hotel Administration certified by VET by EHL. With this Diploma, students wishing to carry on further with their higher studies will be able to attend renowned private universities around the world and benefit from the VPA credits’ recognition to achieve a bachelor’s degree faster. Candidates can also apply to join the Villars Palace Academy for one year, as part of a Gap Year / Foundation programme (7 months), and will then, along with various internal certifications and experiencing opportunities of a lifetime, be able to obtain a Foundation VET by EHL certificate. It’s been also proposed 360° Summer Hospitality trainings (2 months) and Professional Development workshops from 1 day to 2 weeks length by fall 2022.

Full or partial free scholarship are also granted to the best & most motivated candidates.

General Information

  • 360° Summer Hospitality Training certified by VPA in partnership with VET by EHL (2 months)
  • Gap Year with a Foundation certificate certified VET by EHL (7 months)
  • Professional Diploma in Hospitality Administration certified VET by EHL (2 years)
  • Professional & Personal Development Workshops
Partner Universities
  • EHL – Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne
Industry Parnerships

In Progress

Facts & Figures

Year of Foundation
Number of Alumni
Number of Students
Number of Nationalities
Top 5 Nationalities
Ratio Staff Per Student
Students Per Room

Higher Education Programs

360° Summer Hospitality Training
This 2 months program is designed for graduating students from 18 years old, interested in pursuing their studies and career in the Hospitality or Business World. It takes place in the heart of Swiss Alps, Villars-Sur-Ollon.
Gap Year with a Foundation Certificate certified VET by EHL
Candidates can join the Villars Palace Academy for one year, as part of a Gap Year programme, and will then, along with various internal certifications and experiencing opportunities of a lifetime, be able to obtain a Foundation VET by EHL certificate
Professional Diploma in Hospitality Administration certified VET by EHL
This two-year Vocational Education & Training (VET by EHL) programme has been created by the Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne to shape the future of hospitality with external organisations and to develop a global network of excellence.


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