Purchase of a property for foreign nationals

Buying a residential property as a foreign national

Switzerland has developed a legal frame around the acquisition of a property by foreign nationals. Foreigners (non-resident in Switzerland) are not allowed to purchase a primary residency in Switzerland if they are not holder of a C or a B permit. They have the possibility to purchase a secondary residence in Switzerland under certain conditions. The Swiss Federal Law on the Acquisition of Property by Persons Abroad (LFAIE) defines them. A quota of 1500 purchases made by foreign nationals has been established on the whole territory of Switzerland. Secondary residences may be purchased only in the communes listed hereunder and its percentage should not exceed 20% of the total secondary residence rate of the commune:

Here is some information you might find useful to know before starting to look for a property:

  • Your residence should be for private usage exclusively. Rental is allowed for a short period of time
  • The maximum living surface should be of 200m2
  • The maximum land surface should of 1000m2