Higher Education in Switzerland

Why study bachelor or master in Switzerland

Swiss private higher education institutions are renowned worldwide for their academic prowess, cutting-edge innovation, and rich cultural tapestry. With a diverse array of programs and degrees spanning undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral levels, these institutions attract a global cohort of students seeking top-tier education.

In Switzerland, the “university” designation carries significant legal weight, reserved exclusively for public institutions meeting stringent government criteria. Private higher education institutions, though offering comparable academic offerings, are prohibited from adopting the “university” label. Instead, they commonly use terms like colleges, institutes, schools, or academies. This distinction highlights Switzerland’s regulated higher education landscape, ensuring clarity for students and stakeholders.

Switzerland’s private higher institutions often specialize in fields like business, hospitality, international relations, computer science, culinary arts, among others. Many prioritize practical learning, integrating internships and industry collaborations to furnish students with real-world skills and experiences.

Swiss private higher education stands out for its intimate class settings and tailored approach, fostering strong bonds between students and professors. This setup promotes collaborative learning and personal development. Moreover, Switzerland’s strategic location in Europe opens doors for students to immerse themselves in diverse cultures and industries.

These institutions uphold Switzerland’s renowned reputation for research and innovation, consistently contributing to groundbreaking advancements across multiple fields. The multicultural ambiance enriches students’ global outlooks and networks.

In essence, Swiss private higher education delivers a blend of academic distinction, hands-on learning, and international exposure. It acts as a conduit to a top-tier education and a catalyst for future triumphs in various professional spheres.


Discover the diverse array of programs available at private higher education institutions in Switzerland. From business and finance to hospitality and engineering, explore a wide range of fields tailored to meet your academic and career aspirations. Experience personalized education, small class sizes, and a multicultural environment that fosters collaboration and innovation. Unlock your potential with top-notch programs designed to propel you towards success in today’s global landscape.



Higher Diplomas

Bachelor Degrees

Master Degrees



While Swiss Hospitality Schools rank every year in the top best schools in the world, there are a multitude of programs that are offered in the schools in Switzerland. Here below is an exhaustive list of subjects that can be studied in Swtitzerland:



International Relations

Computer Science

Culinary Arts

Artificial intelligence





Sport management


Accreditation & recognition

Highe Eduation institutions are striving to improve their quality and ensuring that every students gets the best experience on campus. Accreditation and recognition within higher education provide assurance of quality and facilitate the international recognition of qualifications. Accreditation evaluates institutional or program quality, while recognition assesses the equivalence of qualifications. These processes involve external organizations and mechanisms that ensure credibility, uphold standards, and support mobility and opportunities for students and professionals within the global higher education landscape.

In Switzerland, the accreditation and recognition of private higher education institutions follow a similar process to that of public institutions. The goal is to ensure quality education and maintain standards across the board. Private institutions are subject to evaluation and scrutiny to determine their legitimacy and the quality of education they provide.

While some school chose the Swiss accreditation, many also work with US, UK or European accreditation bodies. At the same time, some also work with recognition.

Recognition, on the other hand, refer to the acceptance and acknowledgment of qualifications earned from accredited institutions or programs. It is often necessary for individuals to have their degrees or diplomas recognized when seeking employment, further education, or professional license in a different country.

The recognition process involves evaluating the equivalence of the qualifications to the standards and requirements of the receiving country.

Recognition can lead to outcomes such as degree equivalency, credit transfer, or exemption from certain educational or professional requirements. It facilitates the mobility of students, academics, and professionals, enabling them to access opportunities and resources in different countries with confidence.

You have noticed that our website focuses fully on private education institutions. Should you want to know more about public universities in Switzerland, you can visit www.swissuniversities.ch, which provides all information related to the public universities.

Student life

Experience a dynamic student life at Swiss private higher education institutions, offering a diverse array of activities including vibrant social scenes, cultural engagements, and comprehensive student support services. These institutions prioritize student well-being by providing extensive support services such as academic advising, career counseling, mental health support, and personal development programs.

Students benefit from internship opportunities and career fairs organized by Swiss higher education institutions, facilitating practical experience and industry connections. Private institutions foster networking through career fairs, workshops, and guest lectures, enhancing prospects for internships and job placements. Leveraging international alumni networks, students receive mentorship and collaboration opportunities for global career advancement. Prospective students should research individual institutions to explore tailored student life offerings and opportunities.

Facilities and Amenities

Swiss higher education institutions are renowned for their state of the art facilities, enriching the student experience in various ways. Many schools will have on-campus accommodation which fosters a sense of community while granting easy access to campus amenities like study spaces and recreational areas.

Dining halls offer diverse meal options, catering to different dietary needs and providing nutritious meals throughout the day. Prioritizing physical well-being, institutions boast extensive sports facilities including gyms, swimming pools, and sports fields. Libraries are well-equipped with academic resources and study areas, supporting research and assignments.

Computer labs offer access to necessary technology and specialized software. Additional amenities like student lounges, career counseling centers, and cultural clubs further enhance student life. While facilities may vary, students are encouraged to explore the offerings of their specific institution to make the most of available resources.

Admission Process

Private Swiss higher education institutions offer diverse programs and often have their own admission processes. The process can be overwhelming and confusing. That’s why we are here to guide you, assist you and work hand in hand with you to help you reach your goals.

Here’s a general overview, including application requirements, deadlines, tuition fees, and the important role of us as your educational agency in supporting the process:

  • Research and Choose Institution: Start by researching private Swiss higher education institutions that align with your interests and academic goals. Consider factors such as program offerings, reputation, faculty, facilities, and location.
  • Application Requirements: Private institutions typically have specific application requirements. These may include a completed application form, academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, a statement of purpose, a CV/resume, and possibly a portfolio or sample of work depending on the program.
  • Language Proficiency: Depending on the language of instruction, you may need to provide proof of language proficiency through standardized tests like TOEFL or IELTS.
  • Application Deadlines: Private institutions have their own application deadlines, which can vary. It’s important to carefully check the deadlines specified by each institution and submit your application accordingly.
  • Tuition Fees: Private institutions in Switzerland generally charge higher tuition fees compared to public institutions. Tuition fees vary depending on the institution, program, and level of study. It is essential to research and understand the tuition fees associated with your chosen institution and program.
  • Visa Support: If you are an international student, we can assist with visa-related processes and provide guidance on the necessary documentation.

Overall, we do offer personalized support, streamline the application process, and increase your chances of successfully gaining admission to a private Swiss higher education institution.


When looking at the cost of studies, you have to take into consideration all the aspects that are included in the price. Some schools will offer a price that includes the tuitions, accommodation, insurance, various services and other may only have the price of the tuition.

The tuition fees for Higher education institutions may then vary between CHF 18’000.- to 90’000.- per year according to the school and the options you are conisdering.

While the basic prices include tuition schools wil have options of accommodation, meals, insurance, etc., Many school will offer additional options such as field trips, additional support, workshops, masterclasses, etc. .

Financial aid may be available for students who demonstrate financial need. It is important to check with each school to understand their financial aid policies and application process.

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